Emulators For PC Tutorials

Download Bluestacks For PC-Free

Bluestacks For PC

The latest version of BlueStacks for PC has come out and with this new release, BlueStacks 4 demonstrates why it is the best option to emulate Android games on the PC. Learn about the innovations that this platform has brought to revolutionize the world of Gaming.

Bluestacks For PC

What is BlueStacks?

The BlueStacks emulator is a PC program that simulates the operating system of an Android device within the computer’s own operating system. In other words, BlueStacks allows us to access the functions, applications and games of a mobile device, say a Smartphone, although more properly a Tablet.

Features of Bluestacks For PC:

You will see why BlueStacks stands out as the best of all emulators.

The highest performance:

BlueStacks 4 was redesigned practically from scratch in Android N. The core implements two elements of greater importance that are High Game Performance and User Experience, added to this the implementation of the version of Android N (4.1.2).

Being the only ones to be associated with MSI, AMD, Samsung, Intel, Qualcomm and with more than 150 game developers, BlueStacks 4 is designed to offer the highest performance in the market being up to 6 times faster than the Samsung Galaxy S9 and 8 times faster than its predecessor BlueStacks 3.

New user interface:

This new home screen comes with notable improvements, tailored to the user in a way that provides greater convenience, such as icons for direct access to games and applications from the bottom bar, which can be customized by adding games and applications installed, besides offering the option to classify them in a more orderly manner.

Bluestacks For PC

Optimization of controls:

It also includes a special window for the administration of controls, incorporating predetermined and simple settings. This control allows the user to adjust a custom command for each game easily and almost immediately since it includes different categories of a gamepad, keyboard and mouse controls.

Requirements for Download BlueStacks for PC:

To install BlueStacks on Windows 7 or higher version and play Android games on PC, it must meet the minimum requirements needed by the emulator, depending on the resources that tell your computer will perform that can offer BlueStacks 4.

  • Operating system: Windows 7 or higher (Windows 8, 8.1 or 10).
  • Processor: Intel or AMD.
  • RAM memory: the PC should have at least 2GB of RAM.
  • Space in the Hard Disk: 4GB.
  • Permissions: be an administrator.
  • Graphics: Microsoft updated graphics drivers.

How to Download BlueStacks 4 for PC:

Having seen all the advantages and superiority of BlueStacks over the rest of emulators, anyone would think that having this emulator would not be easy, surprisingly and for our fortune. The BlueStacks emulator is completely available without registration or payment. Download BlueStacks for Windows 7, 8 and 10 is extremely simple just do the following:

  • Enter the official site to download BlueStacks for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10.
  • Download | Bluestacks for PC/Windows.
  • Click on the “Download for Windows” button and save the file in the destination you want.
  • Wait for the download to finish. This process, like the download process, is really simple. You just have to bear in mind that you must have the administrator’s permission to install BlueStacks for PC and perform the following steps.
    • Run the downloaded file either by double-clicking on it or by making a second click. After this select, the option “Run as administrator”.
    • Then the window of the BlueStacks 4 installation wizard will appear on the screen. Click on “Install Now”.
    • Now you must wait a few minutes until the emulator completes its installation. This may vary depending on the resources with which your team counts, when this happens a message of “Complete” will appear, when clicking the installation will be finished.

Hope you enjoy this article. Also, check out some amazing Game And App For PC and stay tuned for more updates.

About the author

S Ali Zain

A Professional Electronics Eng, Tech Author and Writer who loves to try new things around. TechPC info is one more such things. I expertise is in Windows and Mac OS, Software. You can reach me on social media.

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